
The 健康资源中心 offers a variety of workshops to help students develop skills in areas like stress management, 沟通, 健康的关系和性约定, 以及旁观者干预. We're happy to conduct these workshops with student groups and organizations. We'll also work with you to develop workshops that meet your needs or interests.



Bringing in the Bystander is an interactive workshop that uses a community approach to preventing sexual violence. Learn tips for how to become an active bystander and how to create a 安全, respectful community free from 性暴力和关系暴力: 现在注册 

地点:Tutt图书馆- 105

Creating Connections is a Blockly Program at Loomis hall creating an opportunity for our residents to get connected with a particular campus partner, 了解机会或资源, 和校园里的员工见面. 在第8街区, the 健康资源中心 will be sharing information and resources about substance use and harm reduction. Stop by for mocktails and tips for a 安全 Llamapalooza! 

日期: 4月24日星期三 
时间: 3:30-5:00 pm
地点: 卢米斯大厅

 Meet us at Pride Outside for a photo booth and 安全r sex materials! 活动由户外教育赞助.

日期: 4月26日星期五
时间: 2:00-4:00 pm
地点: Yampa领域

学生, 工作人员, and faculty are invited an opioid overdose prevention workshop where they will learn to recognize the signs of opioid overdose, 纳洛酮如何有效干预, and how to prevent and prepare for opioid overdose. Naloxone and fentanyl test strips provided Please 发请帖 

日期: 5月1日星期三
时间: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
地点: 盖洛德·霍尔,沃纳

 This BIPOC support and empowerment group is for students to have a space to connect over experiences of racism and discrimination, 互相支持, 并从彼此身上获得智慧和能量.

Topics discussed will vary based on members’ preferences but will broadly cover issues around the mental health impact of racism and discrimination. 

Space is limited, so please 发请帖 to Ann-Marie Manning, LCSW at amanning@technestng.com





加入我们心理咨询中心的朋友, 山姆波林, 心理健康专家, in the 健康资源中心 as she leads this yoga session. 

Yoga mats and snacks will be provided for the students. 这是一种治疗, beginner-friendly class to help students learn mindfulness tools to manage stress and anxiety holistically.


Marina Fella is a registered dietician and your nutrition resource on campus! She is holds office hours at the WRC every Tuesday 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Whether it be a conversation about dietary restrictions, 食物过敏, 加油以优化运动表现, 通过食物降低我们的碳足迹, 或者一般指导,她能帮上忙! 欢迎来访或发邮件 玛丽娜.fella@cafebonappetit.com.



The Grief Support Group is an informal space to find support for grief in community, 无论新老, with the awareness that there are a variety of types of grief, 那种悲伤, can be related to many things – from the loss of a loved one, from grief and anger over continued racial injustice, 对无名的损失感到悲伤.

时间: 4:00 - 5:00 pm (First Wednesday); 7:00 - 8:00 pm (Third Wednesday)
Location(s): Shove Main Office (First Wednesday); Sacred Grounds (Third Wednesday)

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Ready To Go程序

Bringing in the Bystander is a 性暴力和关系暴力 prevention curriculum designed for a college audience. The overarching goals of Bringing in the Bystander are:

  • Participants will understand the concept of bystander intervention and their role as members of the CC community to intervene in the case of 性暴力和关系暴力 before, 在事件发生期间和之后.
  • Participants will be able to identify a continuum of inappropriate sexual 行为s, 性暴力和关系暴力.
  • Participants will develop empathy for those who have experienced sexual violence.
  • Participants will understand personal barriers to bystander intervention and techniques to overcome them, 包括身份因素(如.e. 性取向、种族、性别认同等.)玩.
  • Participants will develop strategies for 安全ly intervening in instances of 性暴力和关系暴力 in ways that fit their given ability and skill set. 
QPR is a prevention training for participants to be able to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thinking, 行为, 尝试和质疑, 说服, 推荐有风险的人寻求帮助.

——识别 & 对药物过量的反应

Narcan and Next Generation Fentanyl Testing Strips available to anyone who attends this workshop.

The 美好性爱系列 is focused on providing sexuality education that will help students cultivate fulfilling, 愉快的, 安全, and healthy sex lives that affirm their identities and desires. 过去的课程包括“性伦理”, a faculty panel discussion regarding questions cultural and political dilemmas around sex and how those might be relevant to students. 最近的一次娱乐活动, “TEDSex," brought experts to give brief 10-minute presentations such as "Sexting,《赌博正规的十大网站》,”“肛交,《赌博正规的十大网站》,还有更多.
The How to Help Series targets specific specific areas that would require students intervention on behalf of a friend. “如何支持幸存者."
The Science of Substance Series investigates the impact of various substances on individuals and communities. Whether focused on alcohol and the brain or marijuana and medical re搜索, these help students cultivate a more nuance understanding of the roles that substances play in their lives.
这是一个新项目. 描述即将发布.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/19/2024



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